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1. p.1 Changes in Sewer Systems and the Resulting Increase in COD Concentration in Environmental Management Sea Areas
Seongsik Park, Young Ryun Kim, Kyeongmin Kim, Kyunghoi Kim
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7846/JKOSMEE.2025.28.1.1 |
2. p.16 Electromagnetic Fields Emitted from Submarine Power Cables of Offshore Wind Farms; Measurements, Attenuation with Distances, and Potential Biological Impact
Eun-Mi Kwon, Jae-Young Kim, Young-Jun Ju, Byeong-Mo Gim, Jung-Suk Lee, Tae Seob Cho
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7846/JKOSMEE.2025.28.1.16 |
3. p.28 Characteristics of Crushed Shells in Oyster Shucking Facilities: A Preliminary Study for Their Application as Marine Ecosystem Improvement
Hee-Eun Woo, Kyunghoi Kim, Eun-Won Choi, Jung-Won Yeo, Jong-Oh Kim, In-Cheol Lee
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7846/JKOSMEE.2025.28.1.28 |
4. p.35 Review on the Monitoring Application of Tritium Analysis Method in Seawater
Yong-Woo Lee, Se-Hyuk Jeong, Ha-Young Choi, Eun-Hee Kwon, Ryang-Woo Kim, Hoonmo Koo, Yong Hwa Oh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7846/JKOSMEE.2025.28.1.35 |
5. p.42 Comparative Analysis of Onboard Carbon Capture Technology and Carbon-Neutral Fuels: Insights into IMO Mid-term Measures and Cost Competitiveness
Seong-yeob Lee, Meangik Cho, Seong-Gil Kang, Cheol Huh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7846/JKOSMEE.2025.28.1.42 |
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