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Ph.D. Seung-Ho Shin (Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Korea)
Prof. Jong-Chun Park (Pusan National University, Korea)
Journal Manager
Sun Ok Kang (The Korean Society for Marine Environment and Energy, Korea)
Manager of the Review Process
Ph.D. Tae Soon Kang (GeoSystem Research Corporation, Korea)
Prof. Gi Beum Kim (Gyeongsang National University, Korea)
Prof. Jin Hwan Ko (Jeju National University, Korea)
Prof. Albert S. Kim (University of Hawaii, USA)
Ph.D. Kongtae Ra (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Korea)
Prof. Won-Bae Na (Pukyong National University, Korea)
Ph.D. Kwangseo Park (Korea Maritime Institute, Korea)
Ph.D. Yoon-Jin Ha (Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Korea)
Prof. Cheol Huh (Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Korea)
Prof. Seongjin Hong (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Layout Editor
Hyun Sook Choi (Hanrimwon Co., Korea)
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