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This checklist might be used for the time advantage of the peer review and the quality advance of the journal.
Please submit this check list to the KOSMEE once you submit your original paper.
Title of the manuscript:
1. Generals
□ Make sure you use the korean word software. The text should be in single-column format.
□ Confirm the following order: Title (Korean and English), Author name (Korean and English), Abstract (Korean), Abstract (Engilsh), Keywords (maximum of 6), Main text (method, results, discussion), Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, Appendices, etc.
□ Make sure you add in Korean Abstract after English Abstract if you write your manuscript in English.
2. Essential title page information
□ Indicate an affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address if there are different organizations.
□ Show who will handle correspondence and his/her E-mail clearly.
3. Main text
□ To avoid unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the 'spell-check' and 'grammar-check' functions of your wordprocessor.
□ Final version before printing will be in double-column format, so that all figures, tables and equations (9 pt, Shin-MyongJo Type) should not be over 8.2 cm in width.
4. Table & Fig
□ Description of the Tables and Figures should be written in English with number such as Table 1, Fig. 1 etc.
□ Number figure and table consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Each illustration has a caption below the figure body. Each table has also caption upper the table body.
□ Number for each equation places right side such as below.
ex) f(t) = sin(wt+δ)
5. References
□ Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list.
□ Denote all co-authors.
□ Form of the reference should be arranged by the instruction for authors.
6. Ethics in publishing
□ All authors are requested to acquaint the Ethical guideline and follow it.
* I as corresponding author confirmed this checklist and wants to submit this manuscript to J. Korean Soc. Mar. Environ. Energy as (a research paper, a technical report) with the original paper.
Month/Day/Year Corresponding Author ____________________ Signature
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